13 May 2024

Hello World! [Website Hosting via Github Pages]

“A great idea can solve multiple problems at the same time.” -Shigeru Miyamoto

As I approach the culmination of my education in the field of Computer Science, I’ve decided to construct a personal website to apply some of my current knowledge.

My aspiration is to transform this personal site into a comprehensive showcase of my work; providing easy access to my current portfolio, resume, and contact information for anyone who may be interested.

In addition, I plan to start my blog where I can share my thoughts on various tech-related topics, ranging from industry news and coding projects to pressing community events.

However, after finishing up my Computer Networks Class, it became apparent self-hosting this website requires resources I simply do not have. In additon, establishing a “proper” system through purchasing a domain would mean needing to fill out a substaintial amount of paperwork I simply did not want to do.

That’s when Github Pages came into the picture.

Thanks to the suggestion of a close friend of mine, I can now effortlessly host this site via my Github profile! I think the final product looks pretty neat.

This site is built off of a template I have recursively added onto, and I would say that I am very pleased with the results.

I hope this post serves as a good first impression of who I am, and that the blog section of this site actually works. After all, first time’s the charm!

Until next time,

Gil. G.

#Say Hello to the Internet!

#print_message function.
def print_mesage(site_message)
  puts site_message

#Main Code.
def main
  print_message("Hello, World!")

#Call Main.